Monday, July 18, 2011

Question week 5

The question is How can my business (the DNR) be more involved in the classroom? What can I and my school do to engage students in the real world? What can the DNR do to engage students in their world?

     Many of my students are interested in the environment. Volunteer hours are a requirement for graduation, a requirement for National honor Society and many colleges look for them on their applications. So if my students were made aware of some of the volunteer opportunities through the Iowa DNR, I believe many would want to take advantage of them. For example, Project AWARE would be great for my high school students. Many of them like the outdoors and like to camp. Canoeing a river to clean it up allows them to be outside, camp, get dirty and wet playing in water, and to eat well and socialize at night. I would like to get the Iowa DNR to come to the school and promote these opportunities to the students. I have a few students and some parents that would be interested in monitoring a body of water near and dear to them (a farm pond or part of a stream that goes past their land) and are probably not aware that they can get kits and information to monitor the water through the IOWATER volunteer program after a day of training. Maybe the DNR could even conduct a workshop at the school one evening so students and parents who are interested could easily attend. Now that I know about these programs, I will also be able to share this information with interested students and parents.

     Our school also requires students to jobshadow in a career they are interested in before they graduate. I would like to see more students jobshadow at the DNR since it is a job many don't consider. I will be promoting it as a career choice to my seniors and juniors. I would also like to see Iowa DNR representatives come to my school to talk about what they do and possibly spark an interest in the DNR as a career.


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